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This WebQuest activity can be used in many grade levels as it has multiple connections to the Alberta Program of Studies which are listed below. Note that Science 8 and 9 have the same Skill and Attitude outcomes as those identified in the Science 7 connections. Although this task connects to three different grade levels it does not mean that Grade 9 students are doing the same level of work as Grade 7 students. The quality of work handed in and presentations should reflect the grade level of the students. 


Science 7

Unit B: Plants for Food and Fiber


Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

4. Identify and interpret relationships among human needs, technologies, environments, and the culture and use of living things as sources of food and fibre

  • identify the effects of different practices on the sustainability of agriculture and environmental resources (e.g., identify positive and negative effects of using chemical fertilizers and pesticides and of using organic farming practices)


Skill Outcomes (focus on problem solving)

Initiating and Planning

Students will:

Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan

investigations to address those questions

  • define practical problems


Communication and Teamwork

Students will:

Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas,

procedures and results

  • receive, understand and act on the ideas of others (e.g., adopt and use an agreed procedure for

  • counting or estimating the population of a group of plants)

  • communicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans and results, using lists, notes in point form,

  • sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means (e.g., show the growth of

  • a group of plants over time through a data table and diagrams)

  • evaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making and

  • completing a task


Attitude Outcomes

Interest in Science

Students will be encouraged to:

Show interest in science-related questions and issues, and pursue personal interests and career

possibilities within science-related fields


Mutual Respect

Students will be encouraged to:

Appreciate that scientific understanding evolves from the interaction of ideas involving people with

different views and backgrounds (e.g., show awareness of the diversity of agricultural practices used

by societies around the world at different times through history; appreciate the role of Aboriginal

knowledge in identifying useful herbs and medicines)


Scientific Inquiry

Students will be encouraged to:

Seek and apply evidence when evaluating alternative approaches to investigations, problems and




Students will be encouraged to:

Work collaboratively in carrying out investigations and in generating and evaluating ideas



Students will be encouraged to:

Demonstrate sensitivity and responsibility in pursuing a balance between the needs of humans and a

sustainable environment 

Teacher Support Information

Below are button links to download the teacher rubric, the peer evaluation and self-evaluation documents. These can be printed out prior to the debate day. The WebQuest is structured so that those students who are sitting on the committee will fill out and hand in a peer-evaluation sheet and that all of the students will fill out and hand in a self-evaluation sheet. It is expected that the teacher rubric results will act as a summative assessment whilst the peer and self-evaluation sheets will be formative. 

Rubrics & Evaluation Sheets

Connection to Program of Studies

Science 8

Unit E: Fresh and Salt Water Systems


Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

4. Analyze human impacts on aquatic systems; and identify the roles of science and technology in addressing related questions, problems and issues

  • analyze human water uses, and identify the nature and scope of impacts resulting from different uses


Science 9

Unit A: Biological Diversity


Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge

4. Identify impacts of human action on species survival and variation within species, and analyze related

issues for personal and public decision making

  • investigate and describe the use of biotechnology in environmental, agricultural or forest

management; and identify potential impacts and issues


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